Monday, August 4, 2014

Having the Upper Paw

You may have heard that we guide dogs serve our blind partner.

Well let me set you right. We guide dogs serve ourselves. We do the job purely for our own satisfaction.

Walking down a street is basically a compromise of differing interests. For my blind person the task is merely to get down the street safely.

For me, the job is much more complicated. I must use my skills to lead him and get the most kibble treats as I possibly can.

Here for instance was a real situation: My blind guy and I were walking down the street, I can see a car parked in our way. Taking him in one direction will give me only one treat. Taking him around the obstacle in the opposite direction will give me three possible treats. So which do I take?

The three treat route of course.

I show him the obstacle, get my treat, guide him to the end of the obstacle, another treat, then lead him arounsd the obstacle. Jackpot, third treat.

Just leading around might have given me one treat if he had even noticed that we went off our line.

So when you see a guide dog team at work. Don't feel sorry for the guide dog.He or she  has the upper paw at all times. We are smart remember. We  do all our work for what we can get out of it. Kibble, lots of kibble.

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